Starting Blogging is so much easy

Blogging is a kind of social platform for those who have abundance of knowledge in their specialized area or try to share their expertise with rest of the world or share their everyday experiences as some do it for passion and others to make a bit difference in their pockets but all the above that matters is what you have to share with everyone that is what actually makes you really desperate about writing. This article will exactly tell you a bit about blogging and how to influence and make a change to get traffic and make your blogging a success not with any additional programs that pay you but actually to get viewers.Blogging

What viewers are actually looking for? There is a lot of confusion that what actually the viewers are looking for and the one and only answer for this is that the viewers are actually demanding the best of what you could actually provide, not bunch of fake and illegal techniques and fictional stuff which is seen a lot on the web these days that are not legitimate but instead create a discretion for the viewers. What actually matters is your own ideas and learning that possibly makes your blog different from rest of on the web.

Appropriate content is what answers your viewers and satisfying their hindrance to gain knowledge. No matter what expertise you explode on your blog it just has to be original sort of case studies of different companies and in addition to that make sure that whatever you write is absolutely what you actually know or have acknowledge. Never try to add think or not sure with the content you write because that might create a question mark upon your rest of the content which may even make viewers suspicious about the originality and surety of the material in your article or even in your blog. Don’t write something which you are not sure about its just like an interview that you are providing to consulates to get visa for any country. One biggest factor to be considered about blogging is that always stay regular about writing because irregularity would never let you to have consistent viewers and that may even change your views regarding blogging because it is a long term procedure for those who want to share and might be bit hard for the ones who want to earn. So always keep in mind to be regular about writing a post each day or 15-20 posts a month. Having consistency in the number of your posts you upload is must which further leads to regularity itself. I might sound weird because I myself do not write on regular basis but I believe in the upcoming year I would be able to be regular because I have a lot to write and share. Remember you can’t be rich within a night but it’s all the small little things which add to your success so always stay regular because no one knows when you become a successful blogger and it could even be a single post that could make your blog a big success so keep writing.

BloggingI remember when I wrote my first post on my blog. The Final Beta Release is available Blackberry Playbook what about the Feb Release, also keep a check on PRICE. I tried to make it more precise with what the viewer’s actually wanted to know out of that title above. Stating with the beta release I even mentioned a bit about the device and about the then ongoing price of the tablet. There are four factors that I consider and advice you to definitely observe while having a thought of blogging in your mind.


The content or the topic you wish to upload could be anything covering a major part of it. There are whole lot of abundant topics you can blog about, especially from a pin to your reviews regarding new Mercedes. All the above thing that matters is how do you describe that Mercedes and what all it is comprised of and how does it make a big difference from the previous one. Mention its  specifications its advantages over other competitors and at last share your experience about the test drive you took about the interiors you liked and admire its quality from its accelerator to the engine, front to the rear and rest of the car. Remember your content should be precise to understand and original enough to be talked about.


Once you are ready with your examination or I should better say it reviews the second and the most important step is upload some media with the content because it has been proved that if there is a word you speak or hear your brain understands it in a form of picture because that is how our brain works. Therefore take an ample amount of pictures of the Mercedes after all it is Mercedes. Not only pictures you can also upload other forms of media like video of the car which consists of the whole review in couple of minutes as well and the viewer’s get a clear idea about the car by having a look at it.

Ask reviews

After you are done with both the above points remember to ask for the reviews about your findings and your written. Don’t make it so hard on the viewers for promoting and sharing because if they like your content they would but if not then they would not even after reading your that part of your article. They would comment on you post and even have a lot of queries.

Provide Support

The viewers would comment on your post and might have a lot of queries and unsolved issues and may even provide your personal involvement in their own matters. So being a major part of blogging provide them the answers of their queries though some remain unanswered once you have got a lot of traffic but never mind try to serve as much as you could because In my personal belief the more you provide support to your viewers the more they get indulged in your findings and definitely helps your viewer to visit again to your blog for something new that you found.

So being lucky enough to share your thoughts and if you like to be a bit artistic you can now start blogging with your abilities and share your skills and expertise with rest of the world because sharing is the biggest part of everyone’s life also remember it is very easy and not at all a big deal because the word “impossible” itself says I m possible.  Happy Blogging 🙂